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Guidelines for My Personal Site

If you feel confuse about post-centered theme, please follow this guidelines.
I would like to give you a brief description about the architecture of my site.
To visit my profile page, please check left sidebar and click my photo or “About Me”.

Holistic Architecture

flowchart TD
  h["HOME"] -- "type" --> t1["CATEGORIES"]
  h["HOME"] -- "keyword" --> t2["TAGS"]
  h["HOME"] -- "timeline" --> t3["ARCHIVES"]
  h["HOME"] -- "profile" --> t4["ABOUT ME"]

  t1 --> c1["Administrator"]
  t1 --> c2["Reviewer"]
  c2 -- "lab #1" --> cr1["Jeff W. Lichtman"]
  c2 -- "lab #2" --> cr2[Moritz Helmstaedter]
  c2 --> cr3["..."]
  t1 --> c3["..."]
  t2 --> g1["connectomics"]
  t2 --> g2["mouse"]
  t2 --> g3["fly"]
  g1 o--o gc1["fields"]
  g2 o--o gc2["species"]
  g3 o--o gc2

  t3 x--x db1[("Posts")]

  t4 --> a1["Experience"]
  t4 --> a2["Publications"]
  t4 --> a3["..."]
  a2 x--x db2[("Biographies")]

My Photo

with my name and a brief introduction, is linked to my profile page.

Five Tabs

Four Contacts

  • light/dark theme switcher: automatically follow your system.
  • e-mail: both work e-mail and github e-mail are used.
  • media
    • GitHub: all repos of my published works.
    • Twitter: major social media I am using.
    • YouTube: all videos or demos of my published works.
  • Recent Posts
  • Trending Tags
  • Contents: use “#” to navigate headlines after urls (e.g., …/#right-sidebar).
  • Navigator
  • Search Box
  • Between Title and Content
    • post time
    • update time
    • author
    • views: based on Google Analytics.
    • reading time: based on the number of words.
License:   Creative Commons License