Hao Zhai

Guidelines for My Personal Site

If you feel confuse about post-centered theme, please follow this guidelines. I would like to give you a brief description about the architecture of my site. To visit my profile page, please c...

Awesome EM Datasets

The original github repo: https://github.com/JackieZhai/awesome-em-datasets Screenshot of our github repository. Awesome logo.

Silence for Thought: Special Interneuron Networks in the Human Brain

Scientists map prominent differences in the neural circuits of mice, monkeys, and human. The analysis of the human brain is a central goal of neuroscience. However, for methodological reasons, res...

A Browsable Petascale Reconstruction of the Human Cortex

In January 2020 we released the fly “hemibrain” connectome — an online database providing the morphological structure and synaptic connectivity of roughly half of the brain of a fruit fly (Drosophi...

Unveiling the Biggest and Most Detailed Map of the Fly Brain Yet

Janelia and Google scientists have constructed the most complete map of the fly brain ever created, pinpointing millions of connections between 25,000 neurons. Now, a wiring diagram of the entire b...

Text and Typography

This post is to show Markdown syntax rendering on Chirpy, you can also use it as an example of writing. Now, let’s start looking at text and typography. Titles H1 - heading H2 - heading H3 - h...