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  • Ph.D. Student, Team of Microscale Reconstruction and Intelligent Analysis (MiRA), Research Center for Brain-inspired Intelligence, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academic of Sciences (CASIA), right now.
  • B.Eng., University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), in 2020.

Research Interests

  • Computer Vision
    • Tracking (VOT, Neuron Tracking (e.g., FFN))
    • Segmentation (VOS, Neuron Segmentation (e.g., LSD))
    • Volume Microscopy (3D Reconstruction (e.g., Kasthuri et al.))
  • Machine Learning
    • Transfer/Low-shot/Long-tail Learning
    • Self-/Semi-/Unsupervised/Meta Learning
  • Connectomics
    • Micro-connectomics (nanometer resolution, EM)
    • Meso-connectomics (micrometer resolution, LM)


Hong B, Liu J, Zhai H, Liu J, Shen L, Chen X, Xie Q, Han H*. Joint reconstruction of neuron and ultrastructure via connectivity consensus in electron microscope volumes [J]. BMC Bioinformatics, 2022, 23(1): 1-23. DOI: 10.1186/s12859-022-04991-6
Acrobat Paper

Liu J, Qi J, Chen X, Li Z, Hong B, Ma H, Li G, Shen L, Liu D, Kong Y, Zhai H, Xie Q*, Han H*, Yang Y*. Fear memory-associated synaptic and mitochondrial changes revealed by deep learning-based processing of electron microscopy data [J]. Cell Reports, 2022, 40(5): 111151. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111151.
Acrobat Paper

Chen X, Zhai H, Liu D, Li W, Ding C, Xie Q, Han H*. SiamBOMB: A Real-time AI-based System for Home-cage Animal Tracking, Segmentation and Behavioral Analysis [C]//Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Demos. 2020: 5300-5302. DOI: 10.24963/ijcai.2020/776.
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Li W, Liu A*, Nie W*, Song D, Li Y, Wang W, Xiang S, Zhou H, Bui N-M, Cen Y, Chen Z, Chung-Nguyen H, Diep G, Do T, Doubrovski E, Duong A, Geraedts J, Guo H, Hoang T, Li Y, Liu X, Liu Z, Luu D, Ma Y, Nguyen V, Nie J, Ren T, Tran M, Tran-Nguyen S, Tran M, Vu-Le T, Wang C, Wang S, Wu G, Yang C, Yuan M, Zhai H, Zhang A, Zhang F, Zhao S. Monocular Image Based 3D Model Retrieval [C]//Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval. 2019. DOI: 10.2312/3dor.20191068.
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